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Thursday, 2 September 2010

Race Results early September

Dennis' Point to Point (and back)- Friday 3rd September
South Wingfield / Crich Stand (7.2 miles road route)

Gavin Elliott 51min 20sec
Mark Tomlinson 52min 45sec
Vince Harlin 55min 05sec
Karl Tietz 64min 40sec
Paula Brudenell 66min 25sec 1st Female
Lucy Holmes 66min 25sec
Susan Varley 68min 00sec
Carl Hopkinson 67min 00sec
Tim Jaques 67min 00sec
Rob Swift 71min 00sec
Cathy Cresswell 71min 30sec

Longshaw Fell Race (part of the Longshaw Sheep Dog Trials)

A classic fell race organised by DPFR. The race began in odd fashion with none of the front runners knowing the route leaving the estate grounds, subsequently no competitor was willing to take the early lead. After some discussion Jonny Wilson took responsibility and the race began in earnest. The route is pretty much the reverse of Burbage. 90 runners took part. Matt Jones took 3rd place winning a jar of gooseberry jam.

If you are curious as to the route click here (Link working now). DPFR have this as 5.5m and 650', check out the garman stats.

A great Saturday morning or evening head torch run if you fancy it.

Matt Jones 45 min 3rd

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