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Friday, 7 May 2010


It has been 12 yrs since I last attempted a multi day run so it was with some trepidation that I set off from St, Bees with my fell running friend, Clare, on 29th April.  We had had 2 perfect weeks of weather before we set off so just knew that it couldn't last another week, but as it was an unsupported run we took minimum kit with us--just a change of gear and a small amount of wash powder!  We stayed in B&Bs and a youth hostel and made do with a full English brekky  and a substantial evening meal and just had snacks during the day.  Village shops and tea rooms were in very short supply so it was mainly energy bars, jelly babies and sports drinks which kept us fuelled up during the day.  Heavy showers, snow and hail met us most days together with a bitterly cold wind but the air was clear and the views amazing.  Navigation was a bit tricky as the route is not way marked and we lost a lot of time trying to decide on the correct route.  Steve Hobbs and family came to join us for the bank holiday w/e and we were able to off load some gear to be transported and Kathryn kindly supplied us with hot drinks and cobs.  Unfortunately Clare had to return home on Sunday due to a family illness and Steve had to leave on Monday .  I decided to continue on my own and with the weather improving and some vague familiarity with the North Yorks Moors finished as planned with a glorious run along the headland to Robin Hoods Bay.  For the first time in the week I was able to strip to a T-shirt and enjoyed a very welcome ice cream on the sea front.
It is a fantastic route and I can fully recommend it to anyone wanting to try a journey run.

1 comment:

Matt Jones said...

How many days did it take?